
Selasa, 15 September 2009

Testimonial about Mr. Fiel

hi guys,
would you mind to give a testimony about me (Mr. Filemon), what do you know about me? describe it....
Thank you...

Jumat, 11 September 2009

pas 17-an

Kamis, 10 September 2009

For my students grade 6 SDH Cikarang

Dear all my language students, how are you...

Thank you for visiting my blog. Since this is a free assignment (anyone can answer freely), I would like to ask your participation.

We are going to make a 4 square about Persuasive Writing, the best answers can be our model on the class meeting, remember in Persuasive writing you must show good reasons.

Our topic is: We should be compassionate like Jesus (refer to our school theme)

your job is write three main reasons why we should be compassionate like Jesus. Thank you.

(this will not influence your score, this media is just for practice)

Rabu, 09 September 2009


Hi guys, This is my first writing for my new blog.

As usual it's better to write about my life. I was born in Surabaya, a big city in East Java on 2 May 1981. I am the second child of my family, I have one elder sister and one younger brother and one younger sister. I lived in Surabaya for 15 years.

In 1995, I moved to Yogyakarta to study in SMU Kolese de Britto (a school that gives great impact to me). There I learned how to serve myself, since I live in a boarding house. My independence was tested well in this phase. I also learned how friendship is important. It is proven with so many 'tawuran' we joined, he3x... (not a good example)

There, I also joined Soccer electives, and till now, I can be proud that I am listed as one of the top scores in JB. In grade 2, I won a class meeting. It was my great time. In final, I scored 2 important goals to win 3-2 against grade 2.2. Next, we won so many betted-matches. At the end of the year we could collect almost 1 million rupiahs. Then, we used it as a potluck party for our class.

In 1999, I went to Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) in Yogyakarta too. Actually I wanted to study in UGM (in Accounting), but when I did my UMPTN test, I did something foolish. When I checked my place for test, I saw myself would do test in Atma Jaya in Babarsari, but on the D-day, I went there and I saw someone sat on the table that I recognized as my seat, then I asked him to move, but he said that it was his seat, finally, we checked our cards, and as you think, it was his seat. In panic, I asked my friend who tested there to show me the map. Then I found out that my actual place was in SMA 10, in Malioboro. Then I and my best friend, Ismu, went to the place as fast as possible (we rode Ismu's bike (Astrea 800)), on the way, we ran out of gasoline, we went to gas station, and saw that the Premium line was so full, thenwe went to the Pertamax one (more expensive...) . When we finally reached the place, we were late. However, it should not be a reason for my failure joining UGM, right....

I spent 6 years in USD, I joined English Education Study Program. There I met my wife, a lovely woman, the real person who could understand a complicated Filemon, he3x.... We got married on 23 June 2007. Soon after we got married, she was pregnant. We were afraid at that time, because she got a chicken pox. It is said that a chicken pox could be dangerous for a pregnant woman and her baby. Fortunately, my child was born safely. It was on Wednesday afternoon, 9 April 2008. We named him Fabian Alva Ananta Adeodatus. I did not accompany my wife at that time because I had to teach and had a meeting in Cikarang. I met my son, after 3 days he breathed in this world. I was so happy to have a child.